
Social Events


March 4, 16:00-18:00 Hawaii I on the 2nd floor
March 5, 8:30-17:30 Entrance hall on the 3rd floor
March 6, 8:30-17:30 Entrance hall on the 3rd floor
March 7, 8:30-17:30 Entrance hall on the 3rd floor


March 6, 19:00-21:00

Prince Edward (3rd Floor) in Hilton Waikiki Beach Hotel

Farewell party & Student paper award ceremony

March 7, 18:00-

Pool side (10th Floor) in Hilton Waikiki Beach Hotel


Same as other conferences held in the resort areas, you do not need to wear a tie all along the conference including sessions and the banquet. At the begining of March, temperature and humidity on the outside of the building are usually high. So, we recommend casual clothing or Aloha shirt. Aloha shirt is a formal wear in Hawaii. 

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